Thursday, December 18, 2008

From the mouths of babes.

Kaelen can be pretttttttttty funny. I'm going to post every once and awhile one of his 'priceless' quotes. Starting here:

Casey: Mom, do you think I have an Indian Princess as an ancestor?
Mom: Maybe, I dunno......
Kaelen: Well, let's just hope you don't have a Mexican guy wearing a worm suit, singing a song about tacos.

I suppose it COULD BE because we had just left a Mexican food restaurant...

Brittan is walking!!!

Yay...yay...hip hip hooraaaaaaaaay! Brittan is walking! She's proud of herself, too. She'll walk everywhere, but she's got her stubborn streak. Test this theory...if you ASK her to walk...she'll sit down and look at you. She KNOWS that you want her to, so she won't! BRAT! Here are a couple of pics!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fun at Aunt Lynda's

Last night was a fun night with the kids. We went to a friend's house and made cookies! We also played with 'Lynda's ' dogs, named : Flag, Peyton, Emmett and Deion. (cute?!!?) Anyway, here's a couple of pics from the fun!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Angels in disguise

This morning Brittan and I went to enjoy a breakfast together. We sat down, and since we are there regularly, the waitresses came over and made their usual 'fuss' over her. Then, they went on with their work. Well....Brittan immediately looked over and started 'talking' to the lady at the next table. I thought, "Ohh man, I hate it when she does that. I don't want people feeling 'obligated' to talk to her." But she was nice and paid plenty of attention to Brittan. Before she left, she came over and asked if she could sit with us for a minute. And so she did. She sat and talked to Brittan as if she knew every word she was saying, and told me that she had a 1 yr old grandson. Whenever she'd get up to leave, Brittan would fuss, and the lady would turn around and come back. Finally, before she was 'really' ready to leave, she reached down and gave Brittan a $5 bill. She said to have a merry christmas, and went on her way. I just thought that was such a nice gesture. She has no idea how much money we have for christmas. That could've been the only gift Brittan got. I appreciate people like that. So God bless the angel we met this morning.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Okay, so here's my first post!

Last night, Casey had her 'recorder' performance at the PTA meeting. She was very excited and did very well! Her brother was very impressed, which to compliment her, takes a lot of 'impressed'. So, are some pictures!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanks for adding me as a friend!

Can't wait to read your blogs!